OCLE 2.0 flexible project structure allows an optimal management
of large OCL specifications, which includes one or more UML models
and a set of OCL files. You can select the active model and which
files will be compiled.
can select quickly the context of an OCL expression by double-clicking
the name of the class. In the popup-menu all the instances of the
class appear allowing you to select one.
model browser, property sheet and diagram editor allow you to navigate
the current UML model, view / modify the properties of a specified
element, create new elements and Class and Use-Case diagrams.
evaluation of the whole model – all the constraints attached
to the project are evaluated on all the corresponding instances.
By double-clicking an error, the OCL constraint and the corresponding
instance are selected.
can evaluate easily any sub-expression by selecting it and pressing
the "Evaluate selection" button in the toolbar. The type
and the value of the sub-expression are presented.
OCLE has a powerful text editor which provides syntax highlighting and autoindentation (very useful when editing long OCL